
The joinery, or method of construction, is a key to the quality and authenticity of a reproduction. Two hundred years ago cabinetmakers relied on tight and reliable joinery, since the glues of their day were relatively weak and brittle. There are primarily two joints used in my furniture: dovetail joints, and pegged mortise and tenon joints.

The dovetail joint is used to join corners of wide pieces of wood such as drawer parts or desk and chest case sides. All of my dovetails are laid out with the characteristics of the originals of the period, and cut and fit entirely by hand, showing minor inconsistencies and makers marks that characterize hand cut joinery.

Mortise and tenon joints are used to join horizontal members to vertical members; such as table aprons to legs. These joints consist of a tenon cut on the horizontal fitted into a slot or mortise cut into the vertical.

A peg is then inserted through the joint to lock it in place. Some cabinetmakers have resorted to the use of glue dowels to replace the mortise and tenon. Such a practice is not only inauthentic, but results in a weak and inferior joint. I employ only snug fitting mortise and tenon joints, pegged for strength and longevity.